Friday 27 November 2015

" By Myself " ...

This is a fact and it's time that I have faced it. I am all by myself when it comes to dealing with my emotional world. I used to have only her I could say anything to. She cared about me she was always worried about me. I miss that honestly. Lately she's just given up on me. Whenever I share a problem it's like I am "gaining sympathy" or "victimizing myself" But no all I really want is JUST some moral support. I miss my baby girl I miss her and all she does is rub in the fact that I have missed her whole life. I shall ALWAYS regret that...always...she said she'd never do what I did to her about that fake date. This is worse...keeping my angel from heart breaks. It does. But the truth? I feel alone. Just like that time that I was molested. Nobody believed me. She even accused me of wanting it...liking it...yes I felt alone. Whenever I go through something emotionally because of home...yes I am alone. She always compares her problems to mine. I never do that I listen to her support her even when she talk about hers for hours. But I never have that support...never...yes I understand your problems. Yes I do...but please understand mine this is not a competition...
My father is moving out because of the divorce. Nothing else. He is abandoning me and everything and going away for a week with his new girlfriend. He has kept this no secret. I love him I love my father he is my father but I just cannot deal with this right now. My mother is having a mental breakdown because the reason for him going away and with who was told to us last night. I lashed out and threw my phone on him and it stopped working. I have to get a new one. That's an excuse that I used to not get "sympathy" I feel so alone...

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